The Month Long RX
Happy New Year! Though I got to spend every ounce of the
holidays down at the family home in Georgia, they were a little more stressful time
this year. For me unfortunately, I have had to take care of some health issues
that sadly affected the one thing I enjoy, especially around the holidays: my
2014 was not an easy year for me, which caused me to not
really take care of my diet the way I usually do. I ended the year treating
what I have built up all year long, possibly longer. Therefore, I have not been
able to share as much as I wanted to over the holidays.
What did I get to enjoy? First, I could not pass up my favorite family oysters Rockefeller. My last glass of alcohol actually comes from Georgia’s own Red Hare Brewing Company, which I highly recommend if you are ever visiting the Atlanta area. Though I paid my consequences for sampling their offerings. The holiday season also includes my birthday so I had to go to my favorite restaurant in DC, Roses Luxury.
My progress? It is looking good so far. In fact, I am going
to try and start incorporating more foods this week to see how I cope. I also
plan going to a nutritionist to see what else is making me weird. Possibly over
doing it? Maybe, but I am a health nut and a foodie at heart, so I will do
anything possible to make sure this does not happen again. I will definitely
share what information I find as for my quest to get better continues.