The Experimenting Novice: The Hot Toddy RX

I have been enduring a cold in the past couple of days just like everyone else throughout the transition into the season. I did not have any medicine readily available at the time, but I did have several items instead, one of which included Bourbon. Therefore, I thought it would be worth a shot to try a Hot Toddy to see if it would speed up its process and allow me to sleep.

Why not? I noticed some people say the cocktail RX does not work while yet the remedy is posted on Web MDEven Serious Eats recently posted a tasty remedy  So again, why not?

Verdict? I immediately felt better. I felt so much better that not only did I sleep well, I had another Hot Toddy the next day just to get the rest of the cold out of my system, or what was left of it.

Hot Toddies have variations including water or tea or using various kinds of Whisky or Bourbon. I chose to have simply hot water, a fantastic organic honey I have from Caledonia Spirits lemon juice, and of course, some Bourbon. Two ounces worth, to be exact and recommend no more for potential lack of sleep.

So here is my RX for all of those potential cold patients out there this season and enjoy!

2 oz Bourbon or Whisky
.25 oz Lemon Juice
2 T Honey
4 -6 oz Hot Water

 Build in glass or coffee mug. Stir, garnish with a lemon peel.


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